Alien sophont species, remnant of an older, now vanished empire | |
![]() Image from Steve Bowers | |
Malacolimner stellae (race A), from Limner World Alpha |
![]() Image from Steve Bowers | |
An artefact purporting to be an original demon-painting from Limner-world C; it is no more than 14,000 years old, so post-dates the Auld Limner epoch |
The interferers also don't seem to simply provolve every race in sight. Some life worlds are left "fallow" or get intelligence on their own. Even among the gradually provolved species, they don't just hand them wisdom and technology, or pro-scientific reasoning memes. Possibly this was done many millions of years ago, recently (how recently) the interferers have been backing off. At one time they possibly handed out technology (or one group of them did) and did the whole-nine-yards process of provolution. Not so long ago policy changed (one interferer group was overthrown or something) and only allowed for the insinuation of memes that were pro-tech advancement. Even more recently only gradual provolution has been allowed and meme insinuation has been abandoned . . . except possibly in cases where there is some sort of counter interference to development.
With the Auld Limners it applies thus: so you have one god who put them on the path to expansion but then decided not to intervene anymore (or was prevented from intervening anymore or simply withdrew or transcended). The civilization begins to expand, developed a single, small (by current standards) archailect of their own, small empire blossoms. Then another god steps in (maybe the empire started to infringe upon one of it's projects, maybe it was a diversity-encouraging ship of the law, maybe it was the old god coming back, unsatisfied with the current happenings) kills off the small archailect, causing the imperial infrastructure to disintegrate. Only a few worlds survive, these are mostly around the stone age in most areas for awhile, some (or one) make it to bronze age. But the god is not satisfied (possibly it wants more diversity through speciation or separated cultural development, or just wants to keep the Limners occupied). So this ancient one suppresses technological advancement for a few thousand years, not necessarily interfering in large ways, just making sure arts get more interest than complex metaphysics, metaphysics get more interest than deductive reasoning, making sure the ancient technological artifacts are not investigated and exploited, that emotional-mythic aspect of ancient history times is carried down more strongly than the factual-historical. Basically making sure that knowledges of Auld are not necessarily destroyed, but relegated to an area of unimportance, culture doesn't stagnate (it branches out wonderfully) on the Limner worlds, but technology does (crafts technology and homeopathy do quite well, but investigative biology, analytical chemistry, and physics fare poorly) for several thousand years.
Finally: The provolvers discover another space faring culture (terragen) expanding in the galaxy not too far away (maybe the god(s) had some influence on this, maybe it happened at the "natural" pace). It decides that it will be good to have the cultures interact and puts a couple subtle memes in motion to allow investigation of the ancient artifacts (an "enlightenment" movement arises urging, among other things, the investigation of the taboo schematic mural caverns of the Glass-flats desert) and more scientific trains of thought.