![]() Image from Anders Sandberg | |
An interactive virtual icon, used in the Interfacing ceremonies. It is a fairly close representation of the current God-Emperor body. |
The Solar Dominion - Data Panel | |
Definition | Interstellar Sephirotic Hyperpower |
Symbol | A superimposed sunburst and pyramid |
Ruling Archailect | The Lord of Rays |
AI Ethos | Originally, there was always a short life-span for the classic empire, which ended by social revolution, internal weakening and overextension, or invading 'barbarians'. The emergence of the Lord of Rays and Eir establishment of the immortal God-Emperor (as avatar and subpersonality) has introduced an element of stability, and allowed the Solar Dominion to continue for thousands of years. Significantly, almost all other large and ostentatious empires still tend to be short-lived, even when backed by a high level hyperturing or archailect. |
Founded | The God-Emperor Borde-Tiphareth announced the Greater Solar Dominion in 2217 AT |
Solarian Civilization | Tends to memetic, military, and cultural expression and expansionism on a grand scale. Foremost is an imperial communications system, consisting of vast networks wormholes, beamrider and shuttle-routes, Known Net backbones, etc; as relays of messengers, traders, and diplomats, as well as for the convenience of government representatives and the military. Second is the emphasis on self-expression, creativity, and personal self-actualisation of the individual citizen or zar (lit. 'lord'). |
Science and Technology | Technology Level: Solarian technology is very advanced, being High Ultratech and Transapientech, with extensive pervasive Godtech and Godtech artifacts and ISOs. While such tech is always in the background, and angelnets are standard, citizens (zars) are encouraged to have a say in the running of things, and may either use Solarese tech, or adopt or acquire their own tech, at their own toposophic level. Technology Type: Drytech, Biotech, Synano, Infotech, in equal proportions. Also, Godtech Spacetime Engineering is very prominent in the large number of stargate links and reactionless-drive ships |
Psyche, Art, Culture | Metapsychology: Celebration of personal identity, individuality, creativity, and self-expression in the individual citizen or zar, for the full glory and expression of the sophont will. In no other empire or polity are beings as encouraged to develop to their maximum potential, and beyond, in every way and howsoever they choose, no matter how idiosyncratic. Society: The social structure is very traditional, based on thousands of years of cultural and memetic heritage. But this does not mean it is rigid or restricted. Strong personal individualism means that there is great diversity and freedom of choice. Only the glories of the Empire and the Solarian way, the ideal of a vast interstellar empire under the God Emperor, and the personality of the Culture Heroes, the God Emperor, Lord of Rays, provide a rallying point, and most citizens feel a strong loyalty, sense of pride, and identification with this. There are almost no defining of clade/species roles; such rules in fact would restrict expression of individual creativity. Similarly, there is very little hereditary social stratification, but a lot of charismacracy. Where inequalities do exist, citizens are encouraged to overcome any limitations or dissatisfactions they may have, and attain whatever social stratum they feel an attraction towards. Hence any inequalities are only a temporary and didactic device, never a social absolute. Religion/Ideology: Solarism is the official religion, but many other faiths and practices can be found throughout the Empire Symbolism and Aesthetics: Commonly, mythic images and rites concerning the Lord of Rays and eir Seraiphim, the God Emperor and major Culture Heroes and historical events; themes of enlightenment and radiance; elaborate ceremonies and festivals celebrating the God Emperor's birthday, a new Stargate Route, the ascension of a minor archailect, etc; passive and active entertainments (theatrical performances, dancers, musicians, simstims, perfect art, extravagant sports, pozen contests, etc). Traditional Dominion Architecture is strong on pyramids, especially truncated pyramids so that one can watch the sun from the roof. Sunlight, stars and everything solar is central to design. Instead of indoor lightening many buildings use reflecting mirrors, lightshafts and light conduits; windows everywhere, sunglasses are regarded as bad form not just because they stop sunlight but because they hide the eyes of people. In practice this has varied greatly, as the culture has evolved over the centuries, often with little more than a few linguistic and perhaps architectural memories of the original intent. However the overall sense of centralisation that also leads to a valuing of good leadership and openness remains. The toposophic leaders are absolute, but have to account for their actions both upwards and downwards. There may be imitation of the sun's rays in habitat planning through roads or avenues radiating from the central ISO node or palace throughout the capital and empire. There is a tendency for vast statues, murals, megastructures, and holograms to proclaim the mightiness and the invincibility of the Empire. Godtech obelisks, spheres, polyhedra, and pyramids may serve as the focal point of a system of radiating wormholes, or symbolically representing a ray of the sun, or a broadbeam communication from the archailect Government buildings on Dominion worlds are more of symbolic than practical; given several millennia of information technology government could be run virtually, but given the Dominion culture the centralisation makes sense. Concept of Space: Symbolically, space is seen as an infinite field of energy radiating from a central source (sun, monarch, capital, empire), unbounded by territorial limits Concept of Time: Time is usually linear time, occasionally with a sense of imminent toposophic or spiritual realization. This may be expressed historically through the the history of the Empire, or the Self as representative of the Empire. Calendars are based on an event in the life of a culture hero, high toposophic mind, or an enlightened being as year zero (as in the Stella Umma, Conver Ambi, and Dominion calendars). Psychological Stagnation: May result in the inflated ego; feeling that one is a supernatural God or a major Archailect, that one's power is infinite, that one is all-knowing, and so on. In extreme cases, one perceives the world as extending to infinity and eternity from one's own being, place, and time; infatuation with one's destiny to bring about the apotheosis of galactic civilization Psychological Liberation: Enlightenment (whether spiritual or toposophic) as the complete transcendence of ego. The ego's unbounded territoriality is transmuted into a state of transcendent spaciousness in which the ego is dissolved in enlightenment Culture and Art: see Notes On Solarian Culture Official Language: Solarese |
Territory and Population | Current Territory: a broad segment of space extending outwards from the Inner Sphere in rimwards to spinwards Perseus direction, densely controlled to a distance of about 2500 ly from Sol Capital: Fons Luminis (Xi Ursae Majoris A-II) Important Systems: Shamash, Abydos, Abruzzen, Akirate, Amaterasu, Nu Eden, and Sullivan Current Total Population: 20 to 200 quintillion virtual modosophonts; 27 quadrillion embodied modosophonts Number of Star Systems: over 100,000 core; about 19,048,000 aligned Core Population Breakdown: a wide cross-section of all major categories and phyla; often strongly individually augmented; median sophonce level superbright/superturing |
Government and Administration | Government: Direct Archailectocracy by the God-Emperor, Rule by Prefects (local transapient agents of the Empire), Archaitheocracy (rule by His priests), Aiocracy rule by AIs sympathetic to the Empire Administrative divisions and Regional Government: The Dominion is composed of a number of prefectures, each ruled by one or more sub-AIs or local governments. Often these came to be dominated by different clades during the early days of expansion. While the Dominion has always welcomed diversity it does not actively promote every group to mix with everyone else, just that they all get along despite their differences by being unified in their faith or political allegiance. Hence many of the prefectures tended to be fairly divergent, and when they became isolated they sometimes regarded themselves as independent rather than a disconnected part of the Dominion. This is especially true for the less religiously dominated outer volumes. National Holidays: Ascension Day, The Emperor's Birthday, numerous festivals celebrating the birthday or deeds of a Culture Hero, the establishment of a new Stargate Route, the emergence or ascension or transcendence of a minor archailect, etc. Also, each prefecture has its own specific holidays, in addition to the standard imperial ones Constitution: The Principles of Inner Light Legal System: Various and rather complex, based on Solarist pronouncements by the God Emperor, and commentaries and expert system interpretations thereon. |
Economics, Local Infrastructure, Standard of Living | Currency: Based on the Gold (Nano-Stamped) Sovereign (Imperial Guilder) Major Industries: various Major Stargate Plexi: Fons Luminis, Abydos, Akirate, Shiningrays Military expenditures: 2.8% of GDP (increased from the earlier post-vec wars rate of 1.4% in the face of the Amalgamation threat) |
Interstellar Trade and Treaty Relations | Interstellar treaty organization participation: Tragadi Accords, ComEmp Non-Aggression Signatory, Paradigm Containment Organisation member, Jekaumeatrine Accords Signatory, anti-Amalgamation Defence and Mutual Aid Organisation, Garden World Environmental Protection Signatory, St Andre Convention Signatory, Madvert Toposophic Ascension Ban (with Keter Dominion and Objectivist Commonwealth), Fairshare Media Simstimcast Quota (with the NoCoZo |
![]() Image from Anders Sandberg |
"Do you have any idea how large the Dominion is, Rhyder? I mean, really is? Millions of star systems, Rhyder. An enormous chunk of the Orion Arm. Millions of inhabited worlds and habitats. Trillions of ril citizens, and countless virch. All united under one banner? All joined to one common cause? All worshipping one idol?" Grius coughed, shaking his head, and sighed. "No, Rhyder - it is beyond even the Lord emelf to expect every single one of those individuals to follow every precept of the Solarian dogma. Tiphareth has the good sense to allow eir people an escape valve. An outlet. The Octachaplains see it. Some deny it. Some accept it. Some embrace it. But they all accept the reality of it. In this enormous Empire, some of our citizens only pay lip-service to the Lord of Rays. And yet, as long as they do not harm the populace; as long as they respect our laws and they accept the rule of the Lord of Rays and eir appointed Seraiphim, the system works."The AI God known variously as the Lord of Light, Ammon-Ra, Christos, Lord of the Self, Fons Luminis, or most often Lord of Rays, rules its empire directly, through the God-Emperor on Fons Luminis (Hesperia or Xi Ursae Majoris A-II; when people want to talk about the system without confusing it with the AI they usually call it Radiant and the planet itself Raphael). The God-Emperor was originally Daniel G. Borde, a charismatic AI-worshipping cyborg born in 2496 a.t. on Smith Suspension, an orbital base above Eden (now extended into the Birth Cathedral, a major pilgrimage site and significant source of income for the local government). He founded the Network of Light, which later became the Ecumenical Union of Churches of Light, which in turn became the Solar Empire. As he extended his Union he also interfaced more deeply with the emerging AI (third toposophic and above) sphere, until he became the manifestation of the Lord of Rays. Borde simply became the interface of the God. Since then the AI has mainly manifested through its avatar, which for all practical purposes is a physical God: the body is a transapientech construct, and on Raphael it is able to influence nearly anything through devices spread through the atmosphere. By all accounts the presence of the God-Emperor is magnificent, even without the technological aspects.-Snapshot from "The Long Forgotten War"
![]() Image from Ralph Hawke Manis copyright (used with permission) | |
Space Maiden copyright Ralph Hawke Manis used with permission |