Owidraramar (AB Aurigae b)

Owidraramar - Data Panel |
System | Location: - Distance from Sol: 508.6 ly (J2000) - Constellation: Auriga |
Star | Names: Mrarandurwan, AB Aurigae, HD 31293, HIP 22910 Physical characteristics: - Mass: 2.36 x Sol - Radius: 2.79 x Sol - Temperature: 9,520 Kelvin - Luminosity: 57.6 x Sol (bolometric) - Spectral type: A0 Ve - Age: 4.14 million years |
Planet | Names: Owidraramar, AB Aurigae b Orbital characteristics: - Semi-major axis: 93.9 AU - Orbital period: 591 years - Eccentricity: 0.40 Physical characteristics: - Type: Chaotian RefraJovian HydrogeoBarian Uppergiant - Mass: 9 x Jupiter - Radius: 2.75 x Jupiter - Oblateness: 0.032 - Density: 574 kg/m^3 - Mean surface acceleration: 30.8 m/s^2 (3.14 g) - Albedo: 0.211 - Mean insolation: 8.89 W/m^2 (0.00653 x Earth) - Mean photosphere temperature: 2,200 K - Luminosity: 0.0016 x Sol (bolometric) - Rotation period: 83,974 s (23.326 hr) |
Owidraramar before its circumplanetary disk was cleared. |
Owidraramar is a very young planet which was in the process of forming when the Terragens first arrived. Typical of young worlds of this type, its upper atmosphere is blisteringly hot, enough for it to shine bright orange, and its radius is still large, having little time to contract down towards its final size. A mixture of various refractory element compounds nucleate and generate atmospheric clouds, forming subtle bands. It used to be surrounded by a circumplanetary disk which slowly fed it with matter at the average rate of around 6.6e13 kilograms per second.
Owidraramar is accompanied by a family of moons, ranging in mass from ~1e22-3e23 kilograms. They are warm due to their young age, ongoing impacts, and the illumination from the parent object. A gradient of volatile content commonly found in satellite systems of large planets can be observed here, with the innermost moons being desiccated and the outermost moons generally being capable of retaining a significant icy envelope.
Owidraramar in the Current Era
Owidraramar is home to nearly all of the 8.598 billion embodied modosophonts of the Current Era Mrarandurwan system, which is otherwise only open to transapient level entities. In contrast to the many ISOs, hyperturing art pieces, and other transapient-level entertainment structures found elsewhere in the star system, it remains a relatively lightly developed world, ringed by dense clusters and bands of space habitats built with materials gained from the clearing of the surrounding dust envelope, most of which are directly warmed by the glow of the planet. Also benefiting from the radiant output of Owidraramar are the many paraterraformed moons, the surface temperatures of which are carefully managed by the use of Lagrangian point mirror swarms and sunshades. The planetary environment is overseen by a group of S1 transapients commonly referred to by the locals as the Baradda-umm Fruit Smuggling Ring, a reference to an otherwise obscure folk story, originating from the faraway system of Yhumpa, of a group of heroes that smuggled the magical fruits said to bring fortune and stability to their politically turbulent system.
Text by The Astronomer, Dangerous Safety
Initially published on 20 April 2022.
Information regarding the planet can be found here https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00633