Ultratech 5*
Image from Keith Wigdor and Midjourney AI
Ultratech is the highest grade of technology that can be built, maintained and operated by modosophonts, only requiring transapient assistance to set up the initial training and support structure. Unlike Hitech, ultratech is derived, in part or in whole, from technology developed to fruition by transapient entities.

Very often the concepts involved in an ultratech application can be understood by modosophont-level intellects, and quite often the basic ideas were first conceived by modosophonts in the distant past. However these ideas and technologies would have taken many centuries or millennia to perfect using modosophont-level resources, whereas the transapients and archai of the Sephirotic Empires were capable of developing these concepts to perfection in a fraction of the time. Indeed, if transapient-level entities did not exist in the Terragen Sphere, it is reasonable to expect that most or all types of ultratech could have been developed in due course by modosophonts. A number of long-term simulations have confirmed this hypothesis to various extents.

Ultratech can, in theory, be reproduced and maintained by a modosophont society indefinitely without further transapient assistance. For that reason it is popular with many clades and polities that wish to remain autonomous from transapient hegemony. It is also very popular in modosophont Free Zones, and widely used in many NoCoZo polities and member worlds. A very decent interplanetary-scale civilization can be maintained just through ultratech alone.

Notable examples of ultratech are monopole and magmatter engineering, conversion technology and deep well industrial zones (transmutation forges).

Ultratech artifacts and products not uncommonly can be found in High, Middle, and Low tech civilizations, polities, and worlds, and may be acquired by trade, foreign aid or inheritance or more rarely through a direct gift from some friendly transapient. They can also be found in Transapientech Civilizations, usually as fads or curiosities.

Often, highly specialised systems are required to build, maintain and control an ultratech device or application; much depends on the type of tech. Although most ultratech is configured to be baseline friendly, fail safe and "idiot proof", this is not always the case. On occasion, ultratech has failed dangerously or catastrophically

Image from Steve Bowers

Ultratechnology is ubiquitous throughout the Sephirotic polities and other developed worlds, not only in polities connected to the Wormhole Nexus but also in many polities not connected in this way. Anywhere that sophonts can set up an advanced manufacturing base and have good access to data and raw resources can support an ultratech-level civilisation - the presence and oversight of transapients is not necessary, although transaps often remain nearby to offer advice and suggestions.

Ultratech civilizations and societies differ from hitech societies largely in the nature of their relationship with transapients and in the extremely high standard of living and well-being experienced by the members of such civilisations.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers

Initially published on 01 January 2007.

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