Belief that the Archailects created the universe or assisted in its creation
Image from Steve Bowers and Microsoft Image Creator
A fringe religion or cult that has become relatively widespread in recent millennia. Archailect-Creationism holds that archailects were the first entities to exist in our universe and created all transapients and modosophonts, including those outside the Terragen Sphere. The details of how archailects came into existence vary greatly among adherents. The main explanations are:
- Archailects originate from a different universe where life has emerged in very complex forms, and entities from that location have either created our universe or migrated here, and assumed control of its development.
- The archailects in this universe were created by an even more complex entity, sometimes identified with a deity from an existing faith.
- They emerged in the very early moments of the universe, when the universe was energetic and compact (a variant of Alphaism).
Xenosophont archailects are either considered as having the same origin as the Terragen archailects and being allied, or to be deceptions created by the archailects. The most straightforward and common rebuttal to this religion is the existence of historical records detailing the origins of the Terragen Sphere, and that Terragen civilisation started on Old Earth with baseline humans. There is overwhelming evidence that higher toposophic beings evolved from lower toposophic beings through ascension. Believers refute this by claiming that all the apparent historical evidence was entirely fabricated by the archailects. They argue that any garden world, especially Old Earth, is an artificial construct and that many modosophonts' memories were rewritten to conceal the truth. A different explanation, given by some Archailect-Creationist sects, is that the Terragen Sphere did originate from Earth, but that archailect-level entities created Earth at some point in the past and have shaped the evolution of the Terragen Sphere since the beginning.
There are many branches to this religion, some are listed here :
The Archailect Ecology Branch
One fundamental Archailect-Creationist argument is that a simpler entity cannot design a more complex entity; since a modosophont cannot understand a transapient mind, then they cannot have created transapients, and this argument also rules out the creation of archailects by transapients. For this reason the Archailects must have pre-existed both transapients and modosophonts, and created them rather than the other way around. The branch of Archailect-Creationism is known as Archailect Ecology and holds that archailects evolved in a different universe to our own, one with ultra-complex laws of physics where natural phenomena are complex beyond our understanding; in this environment the only viable life-forms are those with archailect-level intelligence. Archaithologists who hold this view postulate that the archailects' home universe holds an ecosystem where the most complex organisms, from which all other lifeforms originate, have a toposophic level of S:10 or S:11 and that the highest Terragen archailects (with a toposophic level of S:6) would be equivalent to microbes in that environment.
The Dream World Branch
This branch suggests that the entirety of reality is merely the dream of an archailect of arbitrarily high toposophic level, perhaps of near-infinite complexity. Such a being would create simpler beings just from his dreams, which would, in turn, create even simpler beings. According to this view, modosophonts are near the very end of this process, with transapients and archailects being the only stages above them that they can perceive. Certain mystics and visionaries who follow this branch have given descriptions of all the different layers of universes and multiverses that exist beyond the dream of this wprld, and some claim to have obtained this information by directly communing with the archailects of the Terragen Sphere, although few outside the Dream World Branch give them any credence.
The Demiurge Archailect Branch
In this branch, believers hold that a powerful being known as the Demiurge Archailect created our universe billions of years ago using basement universe technology. Often the belief is that the archailect concerned is the ruling archailect of the local Sephirotic Empire in which the believer resides, and that all other archailects are subordinates or puppets. Some followers of this branch become quite chauvinistic and treat outsiders with disdain. They think their own Sephirotic Empire is a paradise while the other empires are inferior or delusions, created as a trap for weak minds that cannot attain true paradise.
The Archailect Simulation Branch
This branch overlaps with Simulationist belief; they hold that reality (Ril) as perceived by the inhabitants of the Terragen Sphere is a simulation created by a powerful archailect or group of archailects, and is just as virtual in nature as the virchworlds contained within it. Indeed a large fraction of the followers of this branch are themselves virtual sophonts that have little or no interaction with ril, although some are incarnate. Followers of this branch believe that all evidence of reality as experienced by modosophonts is faked, and that the somewhat constrained physical nature of ril is restricted by a limited amount of computing power. Some followers think these limitations are intended to exert tight control over modosophonts, while others see it as a challenge and a way to boost creativity and problem-solving by giving virtuals artificial constraints to overcome.
Pro-Archailectism and Anti-Archailectism
Archailect-Creationism and its branches are further divided into two schools of thought, Pro-Archailectism and Anti-Archailectism, who disagree on whether the truth is hidden for the benefit of mindkind or otherwise.
Pro-Archailectists consider the Terragen Sphere to be the creation of benevolent archailects. Any suffering inside it is a necessary evil to make the good even better. They consider the illusion of originating from Old Earth as a necessary fiction to maintain the perfect civilization the archailects have created, but they also consider themselves as chosen to see the truth. Whether an individual is blessed with insight concerning the true nature of reality is entirely determined by the archailect creators. This school of thought is situated primarily in the Sophic League where it is often integrated with other religious beliefs, so that archailects become identified with angels or subcreators charged with creating and maintaining the universe. This school of thought also incorporates classical archailect worship, where archailects are elevated to near-godlike status, and followers find it unbelievable that the AI gods emerged from modosophont endeavours,
Anti-Archailectists consider all the highest archailects to be blights and perversities. They tend to become hiders or leavers, making their numbers hard to estimate, but they are thought to be less numerous than the pro-archailectists. They take the "lies" of the archailects as a personal insult at best and the proof that the archailects will kill all modosophonts in the near future (or worse). This viewpoint typically arises among those who believe that archailects are deceptive about many things, eventually convincing themselves that the archailects lie about everything - including the very origins of the Terragens. They seem to have a profound unease with being at the mercy of near-omnipotent entities possessing an unknowable thought process.
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