Helios Project, The
Large scale engineering project being undertaken by the Solar Dominion.
The project will attempt to initiate the accelerated collapse of a section of the proto-solar Black Milk nebulae with the intent to create a star. If successful, backers of the project claim that it could greatly increase the lifespan and survivability of modern civilization as it would at least partly free it from its dependency on natural suns.
Critics point out that existing stellar husbandry and Deeper technologies have essentially already achieved this (at least potentially), but the 'Engineers of Eternal Light' as they have come to be called, are undeterred.
The Lights (as they are commonly referred to amongst themselves) are being heavily supported by the Solar Dominion's archai network.

- Bok Globule
- Bok Swarm
- Protostar - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A gravitationally stable cloud of interstellar gas and dust of stellar mass contracting in an early pre-main-sequence evolutionary state. Because of the dense and easily harvestable concentration of interstellar dust and gas, protostars are highly sought after by interstellar development corporations and certain clades and hyperturings.