Bok Globule
Dark concentrated nebula cloud about 1 ly in diameter, containing some ten to a thousand Sol masses of dust and gas, and pertaining to the early stages of star formation. Bok globules are very popular with some cloud harvesting and cloud engineering clades and civilizations, and several now hold collections of habitats called Bok swarms.
Bok swarms that are in the last stages of collapse before the formation of a protostar or protostars are the subject of intense study, and efforts to control the formation of the resulting star system have been made with various degrees of success.

- Bok Swarm
- Cloudharvesters
- Dark Nebulae
- Gaia's Veil
- Protoplanet
- Protostar - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A gravitationally stable cloud of interstellar gas and dust of stellar mass contracting in an early pre-main-sequence evolutionary state. Because of the dense and easily harvestable concentration of interstellar dust and gas, protostars are highly sought after by interstellar development corporations and certain clades and hyperturings.