One subclade of Dorrahsa has settled on Owen, where they have voluntarily adopted a primitive culture. Those that are distributed through space are generally more intelligent, technologically savvy, and assimilate well into hu culture (often as companion sentients). A large population of Dorrahsa can be found among the worlds of the Archosaurian Empire.
A small but significant number of the Dorrahsa clade have found employment as mercenaries, bodyguards and security personnel, and a few have become pirates and outlaws, although these are usually lone individuals rather than larger groups or populations.
Jurassic Orbitals - Text by M. Alan Kazlev First Federation theme park in CisLunar orbit. Featured a number of reconstructed and lazurogened dinosaurs and other extinct fauna and flora, many built with genome in storage from Jurassic Enterprises. Among several dinosaur splices and provolves, the derived Dorrahsa, a race of sapient Troodontids, later became well established throughout the galaxy.