Algernon-Ultraviolet Kingg was born in 5490 AT. A famous fastfood magnate and celebrated wit, Kingg was an influential practitioner of Corporate Cannibalism.
Following falling sales during the late Re-evaluation period, Kingg began offering parts of his body and eventually entire edible non-active clones in his stores, and ended up one of the richest modosophonts in the galaxy.
Kingg was quick to point out that some people objected to eating meat products made from his cloned body, since they said it "tasted funny". His response was "It's supposed to!"
The brand name The Cultured Clown™ (originally CrustClown Kingg and Clown Clone) refers to the comedic personality, the meat products and the corporation, these being indistinguishable since Kingg's ascension to the 1st Singularity. All The Cultured Clown™ products are guaranteed free of infectious prions and other pathogens.