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A class of Old Earth arthropods. Among other common characteristics they have eight legs, a pair of appendages legs that serve as mouth parts called chelicerae, and an additional pair of appendages called pedipalps that may serve for feeding, locomotion, or reproduction depending on the species. Arachnids include spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks, and whip scorpions. Most are detritivores, parasites, or predators. Before the Great Dying there were over 100,000 species. Records of many of the originals were preserved by the Burning Library Project, and it is believed that GAIA has lazurogened many or all of the ancient varieties. Arachnids are common to in almost any Terragen-derived biosystem, if only as soil organisms.
A wide range of arachnomorphs such as space spiders and bucky spiders may be found throughout the Terragen Sphere. Humanoid/spider hybrid morphs such as the Imtonasi are a fairly widespread bodyplan.
Since spider-like alien species are relatively common, several of these species have been provolved or copied and augmented in various ways; one of the first spider-like species discovered was the Pspyders, which utilise neural-net-like webs to extend their processing capabilities.
Image from Wikimedia Commons, by contributor Ken-ichi Ueda
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