
Elephant Provolve World

Elephant City
Image from Steve Bowers and DreamUp AI
The Sophant city Rurummhrr (on Hhrraiirah) is one of the most cosmopolitan Sophant locations, where Hrruuaiih and Harrroh mix together as equals. As well as using their trunks to manipulate objects, these elephants are using handtech manipulators attached to their tusks to increase their dexterity

Hhrraiirah Data Panel

Star: YTS 187-009-1711
Type: G0 V
Luminosity: 2.2 x Sol
Distance from Sol: 1981 ly
Constellation: Puppis
Colonised: 5533 AT
Allegiance:Sophic League
Image from Steve Bowers
The home of the Hrruuaiih Sophant clade, developed from African elephants. Hhrraiirah is a terraformed ex-Venusian type world of 0.85G, and covered in verdant savanna, with extensive but low-density clustered along the equatorial region of the main continent Hrriiihhhhauahh.

The largest city, Rurummhrr, is home to a diverse population of Hrruuaiih African elephant provolves, as well as significant numbers of Harrroh Indian elephant provolves, and an increasingly significant number of other modosophonts of all kinds, most of whom have adopted large elephant-like bodymorphs. Because of the large scale of this city, most inhabitants and visitors are encouraged to maintain large scale bodytypes; as well as elephantiforms of various kinds, rhinoceroses, dinosaurs and other behemoths are popular choices.
Hhrraiirah Sunset on the Veldt
Sunset on the Veldt
In the current era most of the political power is still entrenched in Hrruuaiihian hands (or trunks, as the case may be). Several of the other planets and moons in the system have been terraformed or paraterraformed, and a large number of megastructures have been constructed; these diverse worlds each have a variety of different species and clades.

The system is serviced by a single medium-gauge wormhole.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
inspired by the ideas of Kevin Self
Initially published on 07 November 2001.
