The towers and domes of Cocac reach far above the cloud layer
Star: JD 343337-1 Type: F5V Luminosity: 3.6 x Sol Distance from Sol: 4133 ly Location: Sagittarius, near outer end of the Tunh Wormhole, 200 ly from NGC 6530
Planet: Cocac Type: Lifeless Gaian, terraformed, now highly urbanised Diameter: 12334km Day Length: 31.8 hrs Orbital Period: 2.17 standard years Semimajor Axis: 1.89 AU
Seat of the Wormhole Cooperation Assembly of the Sagittarius Transcultural Cooperation. This easily terraformable lifeless Gaian world is now densely populated. The land surface and shallow oceans are covered in tall habitable structures that protrude above the clouds.